In this section, we would push the container created in earlier step to Google Container Registry. Google Container Registry provides secure private registry and access controls for your docker containers.
Follow the steps below –
- Tag the image.
> sudo docker tag kube-e2e-solution
This assumes that we would be deploying the container to the region. Replace navveen-api by our project name. For deploying to other regions, please refer to
- Create a short lived Access Token to push to container registry (For more details, kindly refer to –
> sudo gcloud auth print-access-token | sudo docker login -u oauth2accesstoken –password-stdin
Figure 15 – Output of access login token command

- Push the image to your project (in this case below, navveen-api is the project name).
> sudo docker push
You should see the digest being printed as shown below.
Figure 16 – Output of Docker push command